SIAM, i guess you finished the final copy then?
don't forget to send me mine!
without specifics being mentioned as to what it is......(to avoid tipping off certain lurkers).. how many people know about the upcoming summer long campaign?
please use this thread to confirm receipt of your campaign invitation.
take care.
SIAM, i guess you finished the final copy then?
don't forget to send me mine!
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welcome! i like the name.
what country are you in now? (if you feel comfortable sharing)
this kid totally grills this jw and exposes him as an absolute liar.. .
They just want converts and bible studies, they will avoid any other discussion.
as demonstrated by his repeated "tell me, do you want to study the bible with us or not?". it's bible study or bust. if the householder has a few incriminating questions he wants cleared up, it's not worth it for him, he wants to count a study.
this kid totally grills this jw and exposes him as an absolute liar.. .
When someone asks questions that he knows the answer to and wastes another's time I think they are dishonest
that may be so in a private conversation, but this conversation was filmed so that others may watch and learn the truth. it serves the same purpose as interrogating an accused person in court, when the answers are known in advance but they need to be heard by those who will make their decision based on hearing this information.
at the meeting tonight was read a letter to all congregations in canada.
it explained that since most publishers end up with left-over public edition magazines that didn't get placed at the end of each month, they will now no longer continue to have an individual magazine order per publisher.
instead, the entire congregation's supply of service edition magazines will be in a stack at the back of the kh, and they are to be taken according to need, with whatever is left over after service to be put back in the stack.
at the meeting tonight was read a letter to all congregations in Canada. it explained that since most publishers end up with left-over public edition magazines that didn't get placed at the end of each month, they will now no longer continue to have an individual magazine order per publisher. instead, the entire congregation's supply of service edition magazines will be in a stack at the back of the KH, and they are to be taken according to need, with whatever is left over after service to be put back in the stack. all same-language congregations sharing the KH will also be sharing a single supply pile.
i've been watching from the sidelines for a while... reading about your experiences and it has helped me a lot!!!.
i am a 27 yo girl, i converted into a jw @ 20, at was going thru a difficult time in my life and they bastards sucked me in!!!
i did not realize how controlling things were going to get... about 1 year into my study i moved w another single sister and then baptize, looking back i think i went thru w baptism because i fell pressure by the "loving" congregation that wanted the best for me... i remember coming out of the pool and one of the brothers saying "another victim" and taking a pic of me... anyways, that wasn't the worst of it.... remember single female!!
welcome! and nice method of leaving too!
i am fairly new to taking a stand on what i have long felt about the org.
no longer an elder now (big weight off my shoulders), and really find i am researching on this board all kinds of things i suspected and are now confirmed.
looking back over the years i had many intuitions about some situations and never took action on those feelings.
Farmville is the spiritual paradise isn't it?
i am fairly new to taking a stand on what i have long felt about the org.
no longer an elder now (big weight off my shoulders), and really find i am researching on this board all kinds of things i suspected and are now confirmed.
looking back over the years i had many intuitions about some situations and never took action on those feelings.
i think what got me into the swing of it this time around was going to the DC and wanting to know about the new-light on the toes in advance.
i am fairly new to taking a stand on what i have long felt about the org.
no longer an elder now (big weight off my shoulders), and really find i am researching on this board all kinds of things i suspected and are now confirmed.
looking back over the years i had many intuitions about some situations and never took action on those feelings.
for me it comes in waves. sometimes i read and post here every day. sometimes i just read. other times i nearly forget it's there and don't visit for a month or two, or i'm too busy with other things. then suddenly i'll get right back into it for the next month. odd.
one of the things i think i missed most in the decades i was a jw was not being involved in what judaism calls tikkun olam or repairing the world.
the most basic of things humans can do for each other and for this earth.
we see needs and problems and we should respond- hunger, poverty, the environment whatever the need we as humans are called on by our humanity to fill.
yeah, jw's don't engage in any humanitarian help other than for the aid in reconstruction of their own kingdom halls. they feel the best help they can offer anyone else is the "life saving" preaching work. there are rare instances where they offered help to the general population, but then the emphasis is completely on "giving a fine witness"